Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Sewing is supposed to be relaxing and stress free, isn't it?!

I've been lucky enough to meet and become friends with Emily from CoQuelicot Designs. I have to admit I've got a couple (plus a couple more!) pieces of furniture that she's created! All of her furniture is preloved and then with Emily's guidance it's turned into something gorgeous and new. Emily has entrusted me with a very important job of sewing the cushions that her customers purchase to go with their awesome new chairs. Normally I find sewing quite enjoyable, relaxing and stress free. I have to admit that I might have best not knowing how much the above blue fabric cost per yard. I often baulk at paying $20+ per metre for fabric. This one surpassed that by miles!! 

This was definitely one of those ones that I needed to measure 300000000 times before cutting into it. Emily had given me about 2" more than what was needed to make this gorgeous cushion! 

It's been great to have deadlines (sort of!) and a reason to get into my sewing without me having to get organised and unpack my sewing room!!! 

How much was the most expensive fabric per yard that you've cut into? Did it scare you too? 
(This one was $250 p/yard!!!)

Friday, 2 June 2017

Help! I'm setting up my sewing room!

I'm setting up my sewing room.

I've not had a designated sewing room for a very long time. In the new house we've moved to we've decided to forgo a spare room and I can have my own sewing space. 

I've been drooling over photos of other people's sewing spaces and I'm not even sure where to start! 

For starters, my sewing room is the box storage room until I've unpacked everything.

I scored myself a great IKEA cube storage cupboard that someone was getting rid of. I have an 8 seat dining table, the cube storage, a sewing cabinet and an old tv entertainment unit that my husband has put more shelves in for me to use - all crammed into my sewing space. Oh, and a single lounge chair. If I can fit two in there that'd be awesome! 

What's the best way to get organised, stay organised and ensure that I know exactly what I have in my sewing stash to avoid going out and spending more money?!?!